Hello all,
I recommend that you bookmark this for all future writing assessments where you need to list your sources. It really is easy to use.
Free Harvard Referencing Generator - Harvard Style (uwslondon.ac.uk)
This is our class blog. I will update this weekly and encourage you to post comments. We will be proactive and use this is a shared space. Let's see how we get on! Please use Google Chrome to post feedback in the comments section.
Hello all,
I recommend that you bookmark this for all future writing assessments where you need to list your sources. It really is easy to use.
Free Harvard Referencing Generator - Harvard Style (uwslondon.ac.uk)
Hello everybody.
I wanted to pop a few final words up on our blog where I can say what I feel about our class and you can add your valuable comments in too.
So here goes, right now, right here. We lecturers learn too. Never forget that!
Here are the questions I would like YOU to note in the comments section, and anything else you would like to add. Your words are really helpful for any future classes I may be asked to teach Academic Skills to. Thank you in advance. You decide what you want to write, but please write something.
Hello all,
Here are the topics which you have provisionally chosen in today's session (4/11/22).
Emma - presentation - ADHD
Fatima - report - Is home-schooling good or bad?
Katline -
Steph B - report - Childhood cardiac
Rachael -
Kelsie -
Victoria - report - Benefits of play
Chloe D -
Bethany - report - Social care
Louise - report - Child development
Stephanie F -
Ona -
Christine - report - Endometriosis
Chloe McC - presentation - Conflict art
Tate - report - Child neglect
Samantha S - presentation - Autism
Elizabeth - report - Abuse
Martyna - report - Forest schools
Brilliant list and we will fill this up each week as more topics are picked.
Well done,
Today we (you) will look at possible topics for research for the remainder of my classes.
In pairs / small groups I asked you to come up with some Care / Playwork type topics to present. They can be loosely connected to your Programme, but they should have some academic merit.
I have started you off with a few below, all the options from Child protection down came from you, a fantastic range too:
Hello all,
This morning we will be looking at effective and ineffective oral presentation skills.
We will do some group working and some information from me too, using my PP slides as well as the comments from you.
These are the comments about effective presentation skills that your groups came up with today. Most of these were in my slides too, so well done all.
Today we looked at two TED talks.
TED talk 1
Why does a failure seem to stick in our minds so much longer than a success? According to social psychologist Alison Ledgerwood, our perception of the world tends to lean negative, and reframing how we communicate could be the key to unlocking a more positive outlook. In this sharp talk, Ledgerwood shares a simple trick for kicking negative thinking to the curb so we can start focusing on the upside...
The reason I picked these two talks were to look at two important issues through the eyes of presenters who have the stage to deliver their thoughts. Being positive is such an important facet to the way I think and of course, feeding the minds and bodies (especially, but not exclusively) of children is also incredibly important.
Which was your favourite of the two and why? Note your thoughts in the comments box below, using your notes from the class if you want. Using Google Chrome is always a good way into the blog and to provide feedback.
I look forward to your thoughts!
Hello everybody,
Just a quick note to say that was a great first class we had there on Friday, so thank you for your input.
We now know a lot about each other and I was gratified to speak with some of you at the end of the class who said they had enjoyed the session.
Don't forget to either e mail me your writing piece (unassessed remember, nobody else sees this) or bring to class on Friday coming - typed or handwritten, either works well.
I will send a post class e mail each week with any documents, rather than using Moodle as we agreed. Remember, this isn't a class with formal assessments, but lots of interesting things to develop your skills.
All the best,