Hello everybody.
I wanted to pop a few final words up on our blog where I can say what I feel about our class and you can add your valuable comments in too.
So here goes, right now, right here. We lecturers learn too. Never forget that!
Here are the questions I would like YOU to note in the comments section, and anything else you would like to add. Your words are really helpful for any future classes I may be asked to teach Academic Skills to. Thank you in advance. You decide what you want to write, but please write something.
- What skills have you developed by coming to my Academic Skills classes?
- Are you more confident as a person than you were in August when we first met?
- How has my teaching and feedback helped you?
- Did you like the variety of content we covered in the classes?
- What did you learn afterwards, that you didn't know BEFORE you started your research?
- What could you have done better in my class or how you approached your research project?
- Anything else you would like to write - positive, negative or somewhere in between!
Here is a selection of the things we did in classes, as a wee memory jogger. We did pretty well...
- Icebreakers - getting to know each other
- Looked at two oral presentations via TED and you gave them a score out of 10 using my prompts
- Short writing exercise introducing yourself to me - this was only read by me
- I provided individual feedback to you all on your writing
- Used the blog to choose subjects
- Group working activities
- Effective and ineffective oral presentation delivery techniques
- Planning a research project on a hypothetical subject (conflict, diversity, employability, equality, care)
- Report writing skills
- Time management discussion
- Referencing techniques - Harvard Generator
- Introduction to College resources with Dale from the Learning Resource Centre (library!)
- Choosing a suitable vocationally relevant subject and logging these ideas onto the blog
- Distribution of planning sheets and examples of how to fill them in
- One to one progress interviews with me to see how you might complete your research project
- Time to work on your presentation or report
- Feedback on your oral presentation delivery
- Feedback on your report
- Feedback on your planning documents
- Reflecting on what we have learned
I have been impressed how everybody has developed as learners. I have seen development in the way you have worked on your research, planning and seeing how a subject you THOUGHT you knew a lot about develops.
I have learned a lot about you.
I thought I might encounter a number of nervous learners at the start, and to an extent, that was probably true. But it is the development of you as individuals that has been the most evident thing to me. This has been really pleasing. The skills I have shown you are there to help you in the future, such as research, time management, oral presentation, writing skills, confidence and much more. Many of you really engaged with my way of working and that was fantastic to see.
I trust you feel that I gave you my very best attention at all times and that you enjoyed coming to classes at 9 on a Friday. Although I have to get up at 5.40am to get to college on a Friday from Edinburgh, I always looked forward to coming in to work with you. We had the added bonus that although I gave you tasks to complete, they weren't SQA assessments so we didn't have to rush them through. We also had to contend with train strikes, cancelled trains at times and my dental implant at the start when I was unable to speak, but we made all the necessary arrangements as soon as we could. Being proactive and providing effective communication is always at the heart of my philosophy when working with students. Always.
This has been a blast. I look forward to reading your thoughts and responding to them.
Please use Google Chrome to do so, that should be the easiest way to comment, and if you are posting anonymously, please say who are you at the end of your thoughts so I can reply by name!
All the best, and thank you for being a fabulous class.