Thursday, 11 August 2022

Welcome to Academic Skills with Mark

Hello everybody,

I'm Mark and I will be working with you for this class, which is called Academic Skills.

My office is F17.

It is a mixture of a lot of things: Communication, Academic Skills, Research, Listening and more - all of which will be of great help to you in your academic journey.

We will work together on various tasks and hopefully learn from each other along the way.

Please make a note of the blog address and make comments where you can, but use Google Chrome to do so.

If you see any interesting articles you think would be of use to the class, please e mail me and I will post on here for some class comment.

I intend to start each class with a what have we learned from college over the week and discuss things from the news. It will make Friday mornings at 9 a bit less boring hopefully!

Take care,


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